Detox Vitamins

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A drinking problem is a disease that is becoming more common in society, it is not surprising that licensed medical professionals are looking into new ways to assist those who suffer from it.  

Alcohol disrupts the body's normal functioning, making alcoholics eat poorly, and limiting the body's supply of vital nutrients. 

The result is poor energy stream and structure maintenance. It also affects digestion, excretion, and storage of nutrients.  

Alcohol hinders absorption of fats ruining vitamin A, E, folic acid and D absorption, usually absorbed with nutritional fat's, and such deficiencies weaken the body. [1] 

As a result, the body is left susceptible to many diseases, even chronic conditions.

Detox vitamins are advertised to help those who have been drinking heavily over a prolonged time detoxify their system and quit drinking.  

In this article, we explore vitamins for liver cleanse and how effective they are in helping addicts in quitting alcohol.  

What are detox vitamins? 

A detox vitamin is something you can take to help in the process of withdrawal.

They usually come in pill form and are taken in addition to your diet so that you can get all the nutrients you need without any worries, which is why it's recommended for people who are abstaining from alcohol.  

Also, alcohol withdrawal vitamins can cleanse the body of toxins and provide nutritional support for someone to quit drinking.  

Drinking too much can cause the liver to overwork and break down, which in turn can give you a sour taste in your mouth and weight loss. But there is a solution. 

So, what are these essential alcohol withdrawal vitamins? 

Vitamin for alcohol withdrawal 

Alcoholics often have nutrient deficiencies, and the lack of natural chemicals like vitamins can lead to new behavioural health conditions.

Alcohol depletes these nutrients and makes the body's ability hard to find when in withdrawal, leading to a lack of energy and various health problems like a sensitive stomach and blood thinning.  

In fact, they can cause dangerous seizures and delirium tremors. In addition, alcoholics may have a higher risk of cancer, heart disease, or hypertension.  

Vitamins and minerals for alcohol withdrawal are the body's nutrients when undergoing the withdrawal.

The importance of vitamins and minerals to the body is it strengthens the body's immune, healing wounds and repairing cellular destruction. 

For this reason, an alcoholic must eat a healthy meal rich in vitamins, drink a healthy amount of water and seek other qualified healthcare provider advice while sobering up from a binge.  

The following are vitamins recommended for withdrawal: 

 B Vitamins 

It's important for recovering alcoholics to staying healthy, which is why it's crucial to take b vitamins for alcoholics and have a healthy meal.

Most are deficient in B Vitamins, which are responsible for mood stabilization and ensuring that the body has enough energy.  

Two vitamins that are typically recommended are B1. And B1 is responsible for preventing damage to nerve cells caused by alcohol withdrawal. B12 is important for the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. 

Other essential vitamin Bs 

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is water soluble and aids in the production of coenzymes. 

Lastly, vitamin B9 also folic acid is another vital nutrient for synthesis of red blood cells as you undergo treatment for alcohol withdrawal.

Red blood cells are vital for blood production to prevent the addict from contacting anaemia. 

Also, b vitamins are significant for brain memory. And because binge drinkers have a poor diet and frequently miss meals and alcohol hinders vitamin B absorption, supplementing the body with it is essential.

Withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, anxiety, depression, and visual disturbance are B1 vitamins. 

Vitamin C

Withdrawal from alcohol leads to a surge of adrenaline and stress hormones in the body.

C vitamins also ascorbic acid is also among the best detox vitamins for the body's natural defences against toxins such as free radicals and helps to absorb calcium.  

According to a study on the relationship between scurvy and alcohol withdrawal, scurvy is likely to be a diagnosis in alcohol withdrawal patients due to deficiency in vitamin C. 

Therefore, it is encouraged for people struggling with alcohol withdrawal to take liposomal vitamin C for detox.  

 A recent study has shown that vitamin C deficiency results in latent scurvy. The study followed 47 patients, 33 male and 14 females, in individuals undergoing detoxification. After three months, 57.44 % had vitamin c deficiency. 

The results showed that those with vitamin C supplements had better tolerance to alcohol withdrawal than those without the supplement. They had less fatigue and enhanced quality of life. [2] 

Vitamin C is important for the immune system to function properly. It helps with detoxification and the body produce neurotransmitters that are important for brain function.  

Also, it helps the production of glutathione, which helps break down toxins like drugs and alcohol.

It can help produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which help with depression, relieve anxiety and mental health problems. 

Vitamin D 

In the UK, research suggests that about one in five people have low levels of vitamin D. [3] 

Besides, researchers have discovered that too much drinking alcohol results in disturbance of the immune system, low or abnormal vitamin D levels and myopathy. 

So, there's a higher level of its deficiency in people undergoing alcohol detoxification. Causes of the deficiencies in alcohol users are liver dysfunction, malabsorption, lack of exposure to the sun, and dietary needs.

And lower vitamin D levels hinder serotonin production, yet low serotonin causes depression.  

There are other vitamins and nutrients recommended by qualified admissions representative for alcohol withdrawal, but these are the most common.

It is important for recovering alcoholics to follow a healthy diet and taking nutrients like milk thistle to help with alcohol withdrawal problems like liver dysfunction. 

Nutritional status of alcohol addiction 

Qualified admissions representative can help you assess the nutritional status of an addict through taking body measurements; mass, weight, height, an estimate of fat reserves, skinfold thickness, and blood analysis for finding out the measurement of circulating vitamins, proteins, and minerals. 

Many factors go into how alcohol addiction affects a person's nutritional status. The first key factor is whether or not a person is eating.

There are many reasons why a person may not be eating, which may include mental health disorder, physical incapacitation, or a lack of resources.  

Several other factors may contribute to a person's nutritional status. These may include lifestyle choices and genetic makeup.  

Treatment for this addiction can be long and difficult and, in most cases, requires inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment with alcohol supplements for many months.  

How alcohol consumption causes vitamin deficiencies 

Alcohol is a liver toxin and takes a majority of nutrients from the body to help metabolize alcohol substrates.

It means that all other nutrients and vitamins that the body is metabolizing become deficient and vitally important for one's health and well-being.  

Heavy drinking can even lead to acute vitamins and minerals deficiencies such as B6, B12, and thiamine, whose deficiencies can lead to decreased cognition, hallucinations, and psychosis. 

Well, drug use and alcohol abuse results in extensive nutrient deficiencies in four ways: 

  •  It increases appetite        
  • Decreases appetite     
  • Encourages empty calories   
  • Inhibits nutrient absorption 

Best supplements for detox 

Some of the most common myths about alcohol use, such as "everyone drinks" and "alcohol is not that bad," can contribute to alcohol dependence.

After drinking heavily, the body's liver-only can metabolize one drink every hour. 

So, what can you do in such a state?  

Interestingly, drug detox and supplements for alcohol withdrawal have the best detox vitamins.

There are many ways to detox from alcohol, and it is the individual's responsibility to figure out which methods work for them.  

But what is alcohol detox? 

Alcohol detox is a medical process of removing alcohol from a person's body safely and quickly. Medications make detox safe, easy, and comfortable.

During detox, medicines avert or lessen immediate alterations in the brain, keeping you safe. 

There are a variety of medications with vitamins used in drug or alcohol detox. T

he most common medications used for this purpose include benzodiazepines, also known as sedatives, which is a type of medication that produces a calming effect. 

In addition, drug detox is sometimes prevented with a type of drug called disulfiram, a medication that reacts with alcohol to produce a feeling of being sick or nauseous. 

Medications such as benzodiazepines and antidepressants are used to treat the symptoms of layoff from alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, depression, and hallucinations.  

Benzodiazepines such as Valium and Xanax prevent or lessen these symptoms, and antidepressants like Prozac or Paxil make it possible for the person to come off the substances in a more manageable way. 

A detox is difficult to undergo alone, but it is an effective way to get the process started. 


Pabrinex is a drug given to people suffering from alcohol withdrawal. It is a prescription-only medication and is not meant to be taken more than two days in a row.  

The medication is designed to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and help sleep. The most common side effects of the medication are nausea and nervousness. 

Above all, Pabrinex is a vitamin B1 supplement essential for perfect brain functioning. Remember, too much alcohol leads to vitamin B deficiency from poor diet, missed meals, and alcohol disrupts the absorption of vitamin B. 

So Pabrinex has vitamin B1 administered via an injection into the muscle two times a day for three days. Injections are the best means to get the vitamins into the body faster to avoid complications from an instant drop. 

Though the injections are uncomfortable, you'll eventually avert seizures, brain and nerve complications, and even death. 


Thiamine/ Vitamin B1 

Vitamin B1 is one of the best vitamins for blood cleansing and a balanced diet. However, it’s inadequate in people undergoing alcohol addiction.

This nutrient, also known as Thiamine, is essential in maintaining cellular function and metabolism. Thiamine deficiency can lead to a variety of health problems.  

This nutrient is found in several food products, including green vegetables, whole-grain bread, and lean meats. It is also a common ingredient found in certain drug detox supplements.

Thiamine can help people detox from alcohol because it can help the body maintain proper carbohydrate and sugar metabolism. 

If not addressed, there are high chances of nervous system and brain damage. Well, you need to keep taking the thiamine tablets even after alcohol clearance to avoid such complications. 

Vitamin B Co strong  

Another boost for vitamin B is vitamin B Co strong with a high concentration of vitamins. It hinders extensive harm to the human body such as the blood vessels, nervous system, and the skin. 


Many are unaware of how acamprosate can help treat alcohol detox. Acamprosate detoxification drugs lessens the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol. However, it does not make it any more difficult to stop drinking.  

It only helps minimize the unpleasant side-effects that some people experience while trying to detox, such as cravings.

Acamprosate also helps the brain more quickly repair itself after having gone through some of the severe damage that alcohol can inflict. In some cases, the drug helps enable the patient to avoid relapse. 

The dosage can last from six to nine months and begins five days after they stop drinking.  After five to eight days, you can notice the results. And you can still have it even after a relapse.  

However, you may experience side effects such as diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. The good news is that they are mild and don't last long. [4] 


Naltrexone is an anti-alcohol detox medicine that can help in alcohol detox, the prevention of relapse, and the maintenance of abstinence (though the effectiveness is not established in preventing relapse).

It’s an opioid receptor antagonist prescribed for use in alcohol consumption. 

The drug works by preventing the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain when alcohol is consumed. Dopamine is thought to be involved in the pleasure felt when drinking and craving alcohol.  

A low dose of Naltrexone (administered in a pill) is taken four times daily. After each pill, the person has to wait for three hours before drinking alcohol.  

Naltrexone lessens alcohol cravings to allow the body to embark on its normal functioning and absorb as many nutrients and vitamins as possible.  

But it has a few side effects such as headaches and gut issues that are short-term. And when you take Naltrexone, avoid opiate medication as they won't be effective. 


It's also an option for treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It gently slows down brain activity and lessens nerves' tension and anxiety. 

Other methods of detox are: 


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When the body breaks down the protein you eat, it can use the amino acid to rebuild damaged cells and create neurotransmitters in the brain that help regulate drug cravings. 

However, again, taking supplements with a doctor’s supervision will relieve people struggling from substance use. A build-up of amino acid supplements like l glutamine can cause negative effects such as brain damage.

You can generally avoid this risk by forgoing other supplements and focusing on supplying amino acid through varied protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, beans, tofu, and quinoa. 

Other methods include: 

Drinking water, eating a balanced diet, and taking a break from alcohol and drug use for a week.  

For many, the best method is to stay active, seek treatment options like advanced recovery systems, and join support groups. 

How to flush vitamins out of your system? 

Drinking fluids is an important way to flush vitamins out of your system. It turns out running is not the only way to get the toxins out of your system. The average person has two kidneys, primarily used in filtering toxins.  

Water Intake 

For instance, it is recommended that you increase your water intake, drink 8-10 cups of water per day. This will help encourage your body to excrete some water-soluble vitamins so that they won't be stored in your body.  

If you find it difficult to drink the recommended eight glasses of water, start with two glasses per day and work your way up.

Drinking more water will lead to more vitamin excretion and help flush out toxins that build up in your body. 

Sodium in the water 

Also, the sodium in the water helps balance the water in your cells, which helps put your body in a better position for detoxification.  

Natural ingredients 

Furthermore, you can also use natural fruit and vegetable juice with healthy fat and protein to help with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.  


Alcohol has many negative effects on the body. Alcoholics worldwide know the effects like the back of their hands, but they might not know there are supplements for alcoholics that help their body detoxify the alcohol faster.

First, they need to seek professional care and professional medical advice to get the best treatment plan and cleansing properties.  

This article has revealed that certain natural ingredients like fish oil, calcium supplements and amino acids with advanced recovery systems that can reduce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, thus improving your chance of success when detoxing from alcohol. 

B vitamins, particularly biotin and vitamin B5, have been cited as essential in aiding the body to eliminate alcohol. Liver detox vitamins cleanse and flush your liver with a dietary plan rich in wholesome juices and green vegetables.  

By taking recommended treatment options, you will be able to remove unwanted toxins from your body.

Meanwhile, you will be receiving advanced recovery systems from a qualified healthcare provider hence optimising your health every step of the way. 

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About the author

Laura Morris

Laura Morris is an experienced clinical practitioner and CQC Registered Manager with over twenty years experience, over ten of which have been as an Independent Nurse Prescriber.

She has held a number of senior leadership roles in the substance use and mental health sector in the NHS, the prison service and in leading social enterprises in the field.

Last Updated: December 15, 2023