Rehab Highnam

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Abbeycare Serving Rehab Highnam – Gloucester

There is a good chance that prolonged drug or alcohol addiction will not only destroy you but your whole family.

It will stress your loved ones by forcing everyone to look after you at the expense of others.

This situation can cause anxiety disorders, jealousy, and neglect of other family members.

Tewksbury has its fair share of addiction-related deaths in the last few years.

Because of this, the town undertook an intensive public awareness campaign to deal with the increasing addiction problem in the community.

It approached addiction as a family and societal problem that affected all the people around a person suffering from addiction.

It also emphasizes how addiction can cause a chain reaction in the family, neighbourhood and the community.

The addiction of a family member can cause the anxiety or depression of another member, which triggers the addiction of another.

Moreover, tolerating addiction can also potentially breed and promote unacceptable behaviour.

At the Abbeycare rehab Highnam clinic, we similarly approach our addiction treatment as a community.

We are not just a residential clinic for rehab.

We serve as your family that will form part of your newly transformed life.


Defence Mechanisms for Rehab

There is clearly a problem with drug use in HighnamA local news report shows that “Gloucestershire’s most popular drug cocaine overtakes heroin (after cannabis)”.

People suffering from addiction have many alibis or defence mechanisms to refuse rehab.

Here are common excuses that people with addiction use to avoid rehab if they are not ready or willing to change.

Denial. An addict almost always believes that he or she is not addicted to drugs or alcohol or that they can manage their use of drugs and alcohol.

Finger-pointing. An addict will blame or hold other people responsible (e.g. parents, lovers, or friends) for their addiction.

Projection. An addict will attribute their addiction to negative feelings or behaviours and not take responsibility for them.

Rationalisation. An addict will justify addiction because of outside factors (e.g. losing their job, misfortunes in life, etc.) that are beyond their control.

People struggling with addiction suffer from distorted thinking, which makes effective communications difficult to establish.

If you need help in communicating with a loved one you think needs rehab, let Abbeycare do it for you.

Call Abbeycare rehab Highnam at 01603 513 091 and let our professional addiction experts handle the situation.


How Does Rehab Highnam Work?

Rehab facilities follow a series of common steps:

Detoxification. This is the phase when a person stops consuming the addictive substances.

Medication. Medicines are administered to help relieve withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and facilitate quitting.

Diagnosis. This stage determines the underlying problems like trauma, depression, and other psychiatric issues that cause a person to use drugs and alcohol.

Cognitive therapy. This helps people develop skills and change their behaviour to manage stressful life situations that trigger substance abuse.

Family therapy. This programme is designed to heal damaged relationships in families and help people in recovery to become socially healthy.

12-step programs. This group counselling therapy allows people who share the same predicament to relate to each other, find strength in each other, and help each other on their way to recovery.


Personal and Group Therapy in Rehab Highnam

Abbeycare’s rehab programme provides comprehensive and intensive therapy that addresses the different issues of a client’s addiction problem.

To do this, it implements both individual (personal) and group therapy in its rehab programme.

The individual or personal therapy refers to private interactions between a client and an assigned key worker. This involves one-on-one sessions where a client can talk about personal concerns that they prefer to discuss in private.

Group therapy refers to supervised interactions among other resident clients in the rehab community.

The topics often deal with a shared concern among the group (e.g. parenting for addicts with children)

Discussion includes learning skills and coping strategies to deal with the issue at hand.

To learn more about our personal and group therapies, call Abbeycare rehab Highnam clinic on 01603 513 091.


Addictions not Related to Drugs & Alcohol

Gambling and sex addiction (promiscuity) are the most common that also requires professional intervention and treatment.

However, there are other behavioural addictions that people ignore because they are less serious.

Here are some surprising addictions that you or your loved one may have been suffering all along.

Smartphone addiction. This is a person’s excessive attachment to their phone to the extent that they tend to ignore the people around them or are deprived of proper sleep or food.

Caffeine addiction. This is the extreme need for coffee to get a fix at any time of the day.

Sweets addiction. A sweet tooth to the highest level, which pushes you to satisfy a craving for sweets even if you suffer from diabetes or obesity.

Shopping addiction. Buying things impulsively even when you don’t need it.

Plastic Surgery addiction. People obsessed with surgery to transform their look have “body dysmorphic disorder” and tend to see and emphasise their physical flaws or defects.

Video Gaming Addiction. People addicted to video games spend day and night playing games to the extent of impairing normal human functions like socialising in real life.

While some of these behavioural addictions are not immediately fatal, these addictions alter your brain’s reward system and damage your life in many ways.

If you feel you or a loved one has a habit that’s out of control, we advise that you talk to one of our addiction experts at 01603 513 091.


Recovery Options in Highnam

Medical care is an integral component of the residential treatment programme at Abbeycare rehab Highnam clinic.

Our safe and comfortable recovery programme is one of the primary reasons why it appeals to many clients.

Medical care in rehab starts during detox to help clients relieve and stabilise withdrawal symptoms.

An intensive evaluation is incorporated during counselling to determine co-occurring disorders and identify other underlying psychological issues.

An individualised treatment plan is crafted to address all symptoms and disorders identified and help clients enjoy continued medical monitoring and care throughout the treatment programme.

An aftercare plan is then developed based on the treatment objectives to facilitate progressive recovery and support challenges a client will face like employment and parenting.

To learn more about the recovery process, please call 01603 513 091.


Rehab Highnam FAQ

  • Is binge drinking a sign of addiction?

No. Binge drinking is not a sign of addiction if done occasionally and if you can survive weeks or months without drinking.

However, binge drinking can be a sign of addiction if done regularly as tolerance to alcohol increases or when you keep on yielding to the craving for a drink.


  • Do Drug Detox Kits work?

No. Drug detox kits are primarily used by people to only beat or pass drug tests.

They primarily work by increasing your metabolism or diluting your urine.

While they can mask the presence of drugs in urine, they do not detoxify your body from the toxic chemicals of drugs and alcohol to help treat addiction.


  • Do all treatment options for Highnam provide aftercare?

No. Not all addiction treatment options provide an aftercare programme.

However, the aftercare plan is integral in the residential/ inpatient rehab programme of Abbeycare rehab Highnam.

The aftercare plan facilitates the continuing treatment and recovery of clients outside the rehab clinic and connects the client with outside treatment services and social support for enduring recovery.


Serving Rehab Highnam & Surrounding Areas, including:

Coombe HillCorse LawnLongdon


How To Book

To book addiction treatment near Highnam, call our admissions team direct on 01603 513 091, or request a callback, at a convenient time.



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