Rehab Glenrothes - Help For Drug & Alcohol Addiction in Fife

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Addiction Problems in Glenrothes

Addiction may or may not be easily recognisable.

Some people have the knack of concealing their addiction, especially to their loved ones.

They hide their addiction and make it look like everything is normal in their daily life.

Because of this, it is important to learn how to recognise an addiction problem, especially if you are suspecting someone you love.

General signs of addiction include:

  • inability to avoid drinking or taking addictive substances
  • distancing oneself from family and other close relatives
  • abandoning duties and commitments
  • ignoring risks related to getting and using alcohol or drugs
  • physical effects, like withdrawal symptoms or needing higher dosage for effect

These warning symptoms are normally connected.

The intensity for each symptom corresponds to the length and intensity of addiction.

If you notice your loved one or someone you know showing these signs, you should try to have an open conversation with him or her.

Addiction can look different for everyone.

The best way to really determine if a friend or loved one suffers from addiction is by talking to them.

You should talk to them with compassion and care.

You should then call for professional rehab help so that proper intervention and guidance can be provided.

If you live in Glenrothes, your local Abbeycare Rehab Clinic is ready to assist.

The Long Term Consequences of Addiction

People who have an addiction often start indifferent and cool about their situation.

The negative effects of their addiction in the early stages seem manageable and trivial.

As addiction progresses, its negative impact on life worsens.

It will take over your life and it will sink you deeper and deeper into hardship.

Potential long-term consequences of addiction include:

  • losing your job or dropping out of school
  • losing your family and your friends
  • losing parental rights
  • becoming homeless
  • getting arrested and serving jail
  • getting infectious diseases
  • losing your life

If you or your loved one in Glenrothes is suffering from addiction, you should seek professional rehabilitation help now before it’s too late.

Call the Abbeycare’s confidential rehab helpline on 01603 513 091.

Cost of Addiction outweighs the Cost of Rehab

The cost of rehab can sometimes discourage people to go into rehab.

There is even a popular myth that rehab is only for rich people.

Contrary to common belief, the cost of rehab is judiciously inexpensive.

The distance or location, amenities, and length of the treatment rehab programme are the main drivers that affect its cost.

There are financing options that will help you ease the burden of paying.

More importantly, the cost of addiction far outweighs the monetary price of the rehab programme.

Losing your family, losing your job, and losing your life is the cost of addiction that no amount of money can equal.

Freeing yourself from the bondage of addiction, getting your loved one’s back and regaining control of your life is priceless.

While there are plenty of rehab options available in Glenrothes, the price of rehab service should not be your sole and primary criterion in choosing.

You should choose a rehabilitation programme based on your addiction and needs.

In Abbeycare Rehab , we can assure the treatment of addiction as long as you adhere and commit to our intensive programme.

Chemical vs. Behavioural Addiction

There are essentially two types of addiction; chemical and behavioural.

Chemical addiction pertains to addiction that involves the use of substances such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, opioids, and prescription drugs, among others.

Behavioural addiction refers to uncontrollable compulsive behaviours such as pathological gambling, internet gaming disorder, promiscuity or sex addiction etc.

Both types of addiction distort the reward system of the human brain.

The addiction releases the dopamine in the brain that confuses its victim into associating enjoyment with addictive behaviour or consumption of the substance.

Cravings to engage in addictive behaviour are triggered when dopamine levels are low.

Meanwhile, the intensity of addictive behaviour increases to achieve the same level of high as your body and mind become unsatisfied with previous levels of drugs or behaviour.

Abbeycare Rehab Clinic in Glenrothes provides addiction treatment for both chemical and behavioural addiction or the combination of the two.

Toxic Relationships in Addiction

People undergoing rehab are urged to terminate toxic relationships.

Toxic relationships refer to relationships that increase a person’s tendency to substance abuse.

This can be a relationship to a romantic partner, spouse, family, friend, or someone who tolerates, promote, or support your drug abuse directly or indirectly.

A relationship with someone is considered toxic if:

  • the person easily pushes you to do things that are not in your best interest;
  • the person makes you feel guilty as if you owe them your life if you don’t follow their wants;
  • the person demeans your life or doubts your ability to change;
  • the person does not value your importance as a person and does not prioritise you;
  • the person exaggerates or dramatises small mistakes that you make.

Toxic relationships will affect your recovery.

It is imperative to end and heal toxic relationships to attain long term sobriety.

Committing to Recovery

The Abbeycare clinic’s counsellors and addiction experts help clients to make rehabilitation goals for themselves.

As much as we commit ourselves to your recovery, clients and their families must equally commit themselves to make every effort to make a positive change in their lives.

We help potential clients overcome denial and make proper choices and commitments.

If you are looking for addiction treatment in Glenrothes & Five areas, your local Abbeycare Rehab Clinic is the best option for you.

We offer:

  • A therapeutic home
  • Individualised detox programme
  • Evidence-based addiction therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment (DDT)
  • Expert intervention
  • Holistic healing of mind, body, and spirit
  • Free assessment
  • Aftercare planning

Rehab FAQ

  • What types of addictions do rehabs accept?

In general, all rehab centres accept all types of chemical and behavioural addictions.

Others, however, provide specialized programmes for a specific type of drug or patients.

They employ comparable therapies for treating addiction which essentially involves re-training the mind, body, and spirit to respond differently to triggers and drug cravings.

  • Can I go to rehab more than once?

You can go to rehab as long as you need to. There is no limit on how often you can go to rehab in the same way that there is no limit as to how many times a person is given the chance to change.

  • Do I need rehab if I am slightly addicted?

Yes. Regardless of how mild or severe your addiction is, you need professional assistance or rehab to be treated from addiction.

After all, most people who suffer from addiction think their addiction is slight and manageable.

Serving Rehab in Glenrothes & Surrounding Areas, including:

QueenswaySouth ParksWoodside
New CastleTanshallCroftouterly

How To Book

To book addiction treatment in Glenrothes & Fife, call our admissions team direct on 01603 513 091, or request a callback, at a convenient time.


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