Rehab Llandaff North

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Hundreds near Llandaff North end up opting for the wrong alcohol or drug rehab treatment that doesn't meet their needs. But with the right insights, it *is* possible to find the right clinic.

We tracked the 19 most common questions we're asked, and laid out the answers, below:

  • Treatment Costs - How to find the right alcoholism or drug addiction help, within budget, via this little known insight.
  • Rehab In A Clinic .v. Mutual Aid - Which is better, for you personally?
  • Protecting Your Wallet (& Sobriety) - Avoid these issues when choosing rehab, to protect both your future sobriety, and wallet.

Brace yourself for warts and all answers, to the toughest questions about overcoming addiction near Llandaff North.

Let's begin.

Rehab Won't Help. Change My Mind.

Inpatient rehab could play a good part in helping you, *if* you allow it to help you, *and* you play an active role in facilitating this.

At the point of crisis we have found that inpatient rehab is the best approach available among the primary care needs of people who are in active addiction. But, rehabilitation will not work in a vacuum, or without your cooperation.


A lack of personal responsibility is the hallmark of addiction, and thus reclaiming responsibility for your own life is a cornerstone of recovery.

Rehab near Llandaff North should not be considered a permanent "cure" that can fix all drug problems in your life immediately.

The dynamics of addiction have taken a long time to establish, and it will take time and understanding for them to be overcome.

All this requires patience, persistence, and constructive engagement.

A stay in a rehab centre is the first step on this journey.

What Should I Expect, From Inpatient Rehab Llandaff North?

The detox itself is the initial phase of the private rehab process, and it’s followed by therapy which deals with the causes of addiction and then counselling and care which looks to the future.

What should you expect in the first week of drug/alcohol rehab?

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The first 7 days are usually spent completing physical detox, resting more than normal, and following advice for prescribed medication.

Factors which will dictate the length of the initial detox phase will include the degree and length of dependency as well as the individual’s history of addiction.


What should you expect after the first week of drug/alcohol rehab?

After initial drug detox or alcohol detox is complete, the clinical team will invite you to begin taking part in therapeutic sessions. It is important for you to understand why you became addicted in the first place, so you’ll be taking part in group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or one-on-one counselling.

Residential programs in Llandaff North and Cardiff are multi-faceted in general, and will see you taking part in mutual aid meetings, physical routines, sharing your experiences with others and undergoing physical exercise, And gradually you’ll sense a shift back towards an ordered and structured life.

You’ll be told the previous evening what the following day’s events and activities are to be.


What should you expect in the last week of inpatient rehabilitation?

Measures to assist you in relapse prevention will take place in the final week, provided by the clinic.

Such measures will assist you in your transition towards living a normal life outside the clinic and allow you to plan ahead to prevent any triggers which may cause a relapse.


Who Is Best Suited To Rehab?

Those who are genuinely serious about getting back their lives, relationships, families, and children, are the people who will get the most out of a rehab stay.

In practice, people will have been trapped in a cycle of alcohol or drug abuse on multiple occasions, have tried and failed to recover, and seek the help to get their lives back on track.

The people who will get the most out of a rehab centre will be willing to commit to the work involved but will need help to do so in a structured way, beginning with detox and following on with the proper therapy.

Rehab clinics are designed for those willing to undertake the responsibility for their own lives and who know that they will gain the benefits once this is achieved.


What Aspects Of Addiction Treatment Are Now Outdated, That I Should Watch Out For?

- Attempting to detox yourself and stop your addictive patterns of behaviour, even though the appropriate help and support is at hand when you need it most.

- Treatment programmes skewed to the extreme, in favour strictly of only one form of spiritual approach or outlook on recovery. Clinics now tend not to insist on the religious determinism aspect of recovery from addiction, and favour a broader approach to treatment which incorporates a holistic outlook to rehab treatment.

- A clinical programme that is driven almost entirely by process, can leave individuals feeling like "just a number".

The core of a successful alcohol or drug treatment programme will treat the client as an individual and part of a community of people who have similar issues and share a common goal in making a full recovery.

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What Is The Best Way To Ensure Rehab For Alcoholism Or Drug Addiction Is Successful?

  • Come to peace with the idea that the events and patterns in your life are telling you that what you are doing now isn't working. Thus, significant change is needed.
  • If what you’ve done had been of any use, you’d have your life back by now – so face up to the fact that you don’t know how.
  • Accept that by learning from those who have already made the journey through addiction recovery, you will succeed, just as they have.
  • Communicate as effectively as you can with the professional who help you through detox and in the subsequent care planning and therapy.


How Should You Plan For Your Stay In A  Llandaff North Rehab Clinic?

Any good addiction clinic will confirm the booking and send you a list of the things that you should bring with you.

Prior to your admission, your clinic should send you a list of things you should bring with you to rehab.



In What 3 Areas Of My Life Should I See Noticeable Change, Following Treatment?

If the underlying work is done, substantial changes could be achieved:

- As long as you’ve accepted what the substance is doing for you, you’ll find that it’s easier to fulfil your need for this in healthier ways, and you should plan for this accordingly.

- By understanding and taking care of these elements, behavioural changes, patterns of communication, and emotions should change, reflecting that basic needs are being met in a functional way, without the presence of the substance.

- Many find that relationships, family life and the world of work are also improved, because they're now given the room to grow into the space which previously had been given over entirely to addiction.




Tell Me The Top 3 Errors I Should Avoid When Entering Addiction Rehab?

(i) Fear at the prospect of taking the coping mechanism away, and entering withdrawal, during the first phase of rehab.

(ii) Being over-confident that treatment has completely succeeded when only a couple of insights or milestones have been made.

(iii) An increased risk of relapse because of inadequate preparedness for any trigger situations which may come into play when the treatment has concluded, and without necessary support to deal with these situations.


How Likely Is It That Llandaff North Detox & Treatment Will Not Work For Me?

In the event of a relapse post-treatment, there are several possible causes:

(i) You did not make use of the support provided post-rehab.

(ii) A trigger event happened in the external world, that you didn't work on yet, during treatment.

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You’ll be able to prepare for such situations by:

(i) Whilst still in treatment, actively engaging in aftercare planning, and actively following through on the supports given, to make sure you stay on track in sobriety.

(ii) Making continuing therapeutic care a priority in your aftercare plan, to ensure you have active support, when you do experience triggers (this is inevitable). 

Relapses often arise as a result of omitting or neglecting one of the above precautionary measures.


I Don't Have Any Support Or Family Members: Is Recovery Possible?

No two people are alike, and each person will have a different calibre of support when they begin their treatment.

The facts show that even people lacking in a strong support network find drug/alcohol recovery possible, and so can you.

  • You just need to substitute the lack of a family to support you with some other means of support, when you decide to give up alcohol or drugs.
  • It is certainly possible; you just need to identify which elements of the family support network that you don’t have would work best for you, and then creatively replicate these by other means.
  • You have to find out what works best for you, and what suits your own particular needs.


Alcoholics Anonymous .v. Rehab - Which Is Better And Why?

Even if you've already tried AA, here's how rehab is different...

Alcoholics Anonymous is a tremendous resource to have in anyone's recovery, but AA and rehab are not mutually exclusive.

There have been many success stories with people using only AA Llandaff North to resolve their alcoholism.

People have said that just using AA meant that there was something missing in their recovery - something personal to the individual.

Residential rehab, with its focus on one-on-one therapy, is different to the group-based AA meetings, and it may be that the causes of addiction are more properly uncovered with the former type of approach.


Rehab Clinic .v. Mutual Aid
Rehab Treatment
  • Detox included
  • Personalised therapy
  • Fully residential
  • Payment required
Mutual Aid Meetings
  • Usually no charge
  • Long term support
  • Non-residential
  • No detox or medical supervision
Key Takeaway:

*Both* rehab and mutual aid, such as AA, or SMART recovery, are beneficial, especially when used at different times or for different purposes, in any one person's recovery pathway.

Those who have successfully completed a residential rehab programme often attend AA as part of their ongoing stop drinking support.

Both programmes, in fact, provide very good foundations for full recovery, and may be used in any combination which is suitable for the individual.

Is Recovery Possible By Attending AA Meetings Alone?

AA, and other mutual aid groups, are often reported as the drivers behind maintaining long term sobriety and being the provider of hope.

However, Alcoholics Anonymous are not the people who are best able to provide clinical care and therapy, or to examine the triggers and reasons for your addiction in a way which will be best at preventing relapse.


For this, look for clinical detox first, and then you can follow this with AA Llandaff North meetings which are ideal as a way of supporting you in preventing relapse.



Is It OK To Stop Drinking Or Using Substances Without Help?

Going it alone is rarely the answer, and often, is very dangerous.

Attempting withdrawal without qualified medical supervision can be extremely dangerous and should not be undertaken.

Risks include elevated risk of seizure, heart and cardiovascular complications, blood pressure variations.

**Proper medical supervision must always be close at hand during any detox or withdrawal**.


What If I Can't Afford It?

Full alcohol or drug rehab may be unreachable financially for some, so here's another option you may like to consider.

Many clinics offer a detox-only programme, although this is not usually widely advertised.

However, the success rates for these shorter courses can be lower than with the longer more established programmes.


Although the standard rehab stay is 28 days in total, we can suggest shorter stays if it is still clinically appropriate.


Ask about short term detox **only** if you have adequate plans for support upon completion.

Click to Tweet other words, a proper and structured plan to therapy with its associated follow-up support.

In our experience, we find that opting for a short-term detox without planning ahead for support afterward will only reduce your chances of a full and long-term recovery.


Is There A Refund Policy For Rehab?

Each clinic will operate their own refund policies, so ask before your course begins.

In general terms, most clinics do not refund fees if you relapse because the onus of responsibility lies with the client.


How Do I Actually Sign Up For Rehab?

  • You need to speak to the clinic you have decided on to begin your therapy and undergo a simple phone assessment; then when your deposit has been paid your stay should begin no more than 48 hours later, in most cases.
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I’d Like To Start The Programme Immediately; Can I Do That?

Some clinical checks need to be carried out and then the admissions staff will be able to welcome you to the residential programme in less than 48 hours.

How Did Abbeycare Get Started Providing Addiction Help?

In 2005 Abbeycare opened its first residential rehab clinic upon seeing the need for such a service.

Abbeycare has since grown to become a nationally recognised company and as a provider of rehab treatment.


Why Is An Assessment Required, Prior To Admission?

It is necessary to evaluate whether you and the clinic are a good match for each other going forward.

We do this by asking you some basic questions during an admissions telephone chat and then follow this up by seeking the opinion of the health professionals here.

For Those In Llandaff North, Our Team Can Provide Complimentary Guidance On Addiction Treatment Options.

Abbeycare's UK clinics are available to those in Llandaff North and Cardiff.

We've helped hundreds (thousands probably) move beyond addiction, and start a new life.

In our 15 years, we've worked with even the most complex multi-substance detoxes, needs, and issues.

Even if you're not local, we can still help with transport into treatment (full transparency - some costs do apply).

Check our independent inspection reports, available on our clinic pages for Scotland, and Abbeycare Gloucester.

Abbeycare admissions team can advise on options that suit your needs.

The Abbeycare medical team can help you detox comfortably.

Our therapists are ready to help you get the insights you need, to stop the pattern of addiction, and reclaim your life.

Our clinical team are ready to help you start the journey.

Now....are you ready?

Ready to get started? All calls are confidential. Ring direct on 01603 513 091.

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